Go Meatless for 7 Days!

Go Meatless for 7 Days with the divas of Fit, Fyne & Fabulous. Learn some great vegetarian meals that you can incorporate into your diet even if you're not wanting to be vegetarian for life.

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Product Description

Join us as we explore Vegetarianism for 7 Days!

During our 7 day challenge will be:

1. PROVIDED with a complete 5 day meal plan!
2. ADDED to a private group and supported every day!
3. EDUCATED on the differences between Vegan and Vegetarian vs Pescatarain (and others)
4. SHOWN how to cook your veggies!
5. A PART OF DISCUSSIONS like "why no meat"? Why are so many divas getting rid of meats in their diets? How do you get protein from veggies?
6. PROVIDED with recipes for homemade dressings (leaving the sugar behind)
7. PROVIDED with delicious GREEN SMOOTHIE recipes!

This challenge will be 100% Vegetarian information and support.